"Call it a girl gang, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are you need one." - Lish Jackson In high school it was my dance company. In college it was my sorority. In the real world it’s been here in this business (seriously). Look self development is great. I’m a huge advocate for it but, nothing will help you grow faster than ambitious like minded people. This company has given me just that. I am constantly befriended, empowered and taught by women with goals as big or even bigger than my own. I could get into the technical jargon about why this company works for me or that we're the first company to focus on anti aging hair care or that all our products are organic, vegan, toxin and cruelty free, promised to be clinically proven not just clinically tested. but when it really comes down to it it’s the people and possibly for complete and total freedom to do and experience the things I love most For example I've already got several trips in the books for this coming year and plan to payoff my entire Red Rocks concert season simply in the side hours I put into this business and I know that's only the start of what I can do. I started simply to gain freedom in one section of my life, my career, as most of you probably know graphic design has long been my passion and creative outlet, but when I first started with this opportunity I was really lost on what direction to take next. The job I was at had stalled out. I didn’t feel I could continue to grow there creatively, financially or even simply in skill. I felt trapped. A new job, the right job, one where I felt I could grow in these areas would take time to find. Time I didn’t have under the stress at my current position, but I didn’t think I could just quit either. That is until this opportunity came along. For the first time I felt like I had options. I hit my one year mark took the money I’d saved paired with this opportunity and left. Don’t get me wrong it was still one of the scariest things I’ve ever done, but I’ve never been happier. Here I am 6 months later in a job I love at an agency that’s going to help me grow into the designer I want to be and with the time and flexibility to really dive into this business which has not only allowed me to except a job based on growth rather than payout, but that has quite literally rewired my way of thinking. For the first time in my life I feel like I can really do it all. I can get the career growth I want while remaining financially stable. I can travel or move to the cities I love without having to worry if I can still responsibly save and take care of the ones I love. I can simply enjoy what life has to offer. Look social network marketing, yikes right?! I get it. A lot of people and companies do it really badly and give it an awful reputation. I might have lost some of you at just the mention of it and honestly before this company I would have been one of you. I get it, when everyone on your timeline is jumping from jewelry to protein shakes to electronics and cleaning supplies all the messaging to try this or that can feel and sometimes is really inauthentic. But the approach here was so different that I got over myself just long enough to take the chance. You will never hear from me or one of my girls begging you to buy products. It simply isn’t how we operate. We don’t reach out to everyone in our contact list either. We’re only going to bring up this opportunity if we truly think you’re a good fit and would actually be successful at it. We’re not THAT girl, the girl that your social network marketing stigmas stem from. But trust me when I say I get it because for a long time I let that hold me back. It took me awhile to get over myself and the stigmas I’d built up. Truth is I have yet to find a product line with even half the backing in either the scientific or stylist community. And yet, I was still incredibly doubtful when I started. All the transformations, affirmations, even the <1% return rate should have all been leaning for a positive outcome, but even after I started and saw the difference in my own hair I kept chocking it up to a fluke. It took me 2 months of using them before I finally stopped making excuses to myself and really acknowledged the difference. For the first time in my life I could actually skip washes if I wanted and I wasn’t constantly teasing my hair throughout the day and that was huge for me. At this point I finally decided I was going to really do this thing. I wanted to give others the same chance for change in confidence that these products had given me. My goals are bigger than they’ve ever been and yet they feel more in reach than ever. Now I know some of you still won’t believe this is for you and that’s okay, it really isn’t for everyone. I won’t blame you for thinking that way, I felt that way too. But if you do think even for a moment that this is something that could give you the chance to take control of your life in a way you can’t now you owe it to yourself to at least explore the idea. So DM me your hard questions or concerns you won’t scare me off, I promise. I’m here to be your resource for information. I’m never going to pressure you or push you into this. You have to want it for yourself first and for most. I’m just here to help you figure out if this is the right fit for you and if it isn’t no hard feelings I get it, truly! But I’ve also seen what this company can do for people and I fully intend on being one of them that takes full advantage of it and I’d much rather have you by my side than sitting on the sidelines. — Miranda
"Call it a girl gang, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are you need one." - Lish Jackson In high school it was my dance company. In college it was my sorority. In the real world it’s been here in this business (seriously). Look self development is great. I’m a huge advocate for it but, nothing will help you grow faster than ambitious like minded people. This company has given me just that. I am constantly befriended, empowered and taught by women with goals as big or even bigger than my own. I could get into the technical jargon about why this company works for me or that we're the first company to focus on anti aging hair care or that all our products are organic, vegan, toxin and cruelty free, promised to be clinically proven not just clinically tested. but when it really comes down to it it’s the people and possibly for complete and total freedom to do and experience the things I love most For example I've already got several trips in the books for this coming year and plan to payoff my entire Red Rocks concert season simply in the side hours I put into this business and I know that's only the start of what I can do. I started simply to gain freedom in one section of my life, my career, as most of you probably know graphic design has long been my passion and creative outlet, but when I first started with this opportunity I was really lost on what direction to take next. The job I was at had stalled out. I didn’t feel I could continue to grow there creatively, financially or even simply in skill. I felt trapped. A new job, the right job, one where I felt I could grow in these areas would take time to find. Time I didn’t have under the stress at my current position, but I didn’t think I could just quit either. That is until this opportunity came along. For the first time I felt like I had options. I hit my one year mark took the money I’d saved paired with this opportunity and left. Don’t get me wrong it was still one of the scariest things I’ve ever done, but I’ve never been happier. Here I am 6 months later in a job I love at an agency that’s going to help me grow into the designer I want to be and with the time and flexibility to really dive into this business which has not only allowed me to except a job based on growth rather than payout, but that has quite literally rewired my way of thinking. For the first time in my life I feel like I can really do it all. I can get the career growth I want while remaining financially stable. I can travel or move to the cities I love without having to worry if I can still responsibly save and take care of the ones I love. I can simply enjoy what life has to offer. Look social network marketing, yikes right?! I get it. A lot of people and companies do it really badly and give it an awful reputation. I might have lost some of you at just the mention of it and honestly before this company I would have been one of you. I get it, when everyone on your timeline is jumping from jewelry to protein shakes to electronics and cleaning supplies all the messaging to try this or that can feel and sometimes is really inauthentic. But the approach here was so different that I got over myself just long enough to take the chance. You will never hear from me or one of my girls begging you to buy products. It simply isn’t how we operate. We don’t reach out to everyone in our contact list either. We’re only going to bring up this opportunity if we truly think you’re a good fit and would actually be successful at it. We’re not THAT girl, the girl that your social network marketing stigmas stem from. But trust me when I say I get it because for a long time I let that hold me back. It took me awhile to get over myself and the stigmas I’d built up. My goals are bigger than they’ve ever been and yet they feel more in reach than ever. Now I know some of you still won’t believe this is for you and that’s okay, it really isn’t for everyone. I won’t blame you for thinking that way, I felt that way too. But if you do think even for a moment that this is something that could give you the chance to take control of your life in a way you can’t now you owe it to yourself to at least explore the idea. So DM me your hard questions or concerns you won’t scare me off, I promise. I’m here to be your resource for information. I’m never going to pressure you or push you into this. You have to want it for yourself first and for most. I’m just here to help you figure out if this is the right fit for you and if it isn’t no hard feelings I get it, truly! But I’ve also seen what this company can do for people and I fully intend on being one of them that takes full advantage of it and I’d much rather have you by my side than sitting on the sidelines. — Mandy